Centre Clubs

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Provincial Priory of Middlesex
Preceptory of Improvement

Meetings are held on the first Sunday in the months of
September to July
at the Uxbridge Masonic Centre Hercies Road Hillingdon

Meeting are held between 10.00am and 11.30 am

Meetings at Harrow are held on the third Wednesday each month from September until June (Northwick Circle)

Meeting are held between 6.00pm and 8.00pm

Meetings at Staines are held on the third Sunday each month
from September until July at Thames Street

Meeting are held between 10.00am and 11.45am

A warm welcome is extended to all knights of this and any other
Province's. Belts and swords only being required

Dates and times of each centres avaiable at each
location and from registrar's

For more information visit www.ktmiddx.com/


Chairman John Roberts tel: 01344 77385
Registrar Andy Duncan tel: 01784 456543

Bert Busby tel: 020 8204 5086
T. D'Souza tel: 07970 632036

Philip Pickard tel: 01784 740233
Jim Dyett tel: 07958 287548