Centre Clubs

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The Royal Union Chapter 382
Uxbridge Centre.
Chartered May 7th 1828.
(185 years this May 2013.)

Regular Convocations held on the
first Saturday in November (Installation),
April & July. Normal start times 4.30 pm.

Chapter of instruction meets the first and third Friday
of the month starting Sept finishing July,
except for December and January when no meetings are held.
Usual start time 8pm.
Membership 25

Chapter Secretary Bryan Dyer.
D.C. William (Bill) Sutton
Treasurer, Almoner, Mentor and COI secretary, William (Bill) Ryan.
Preceptor William (Bill) Sutton.
V.O Kevin Sharp.
We have just had our oldest minute book rebound
as well as attendance book
We are looking at visiting other Chapters in the Province,
in particular the other three Chapters that carry out
Complete Working, namely, Edgware chapter 3866,
The Hale Chapter 5141 both at Harrow Centre
and Arthur Hollins Chapter 8785 Uxbridge Centre.

Please contact Bill Ryan on billryans@yahoo.co.uk

In the hope of keeping them going, in particular Royal Union
being the oldest and hopefully the others will reciprocate.