club was established by George Souter in October 1998 to create
a social club for retired Brethren and their partners. Membership
was not restricted to Middlesex Masons as George realised that
many retired Brethren from London and other surrounding Masonic
Provinces live within a short distance from Hercies Road.
club meets at the Western House Masonic Centre once a month
with the exception of the month of August. Our meetings commence
at 10.30am with a cup of coffee or tea and biscuits. Every month
a guest speaker is invited to present a talk to the club. The
talks given are on a wide range of subjects that are appropriate
for both male and female audiences. On occasions the club organises
coach trips, or the like, to places of interest such as the
Magic Circle, Boat trips down the Thames, The Code Breakers
Bletchley Park, Theatre Trips, or on rare occasions even shopping
the talk, this usually lasts about 40 minutes, the members and
their guests retire to the bar for pre-lunch drinks and to catch
up with the latest news of friends and family. The members then
sit down to a good luncheon at 1.00pm and usually finish the
day about 2.30pm

In addition
to the social side the club has similar officers to a lodge
in that the club has two almoner’s (one for the Ladies
and one for the Gentlemen) who keep in touch with members making
sure that they are kept up-to date with our activities etc.
club also supports various charities throughout the year, funded
by our monthly raffles
you are interested in joining this very successful club or want
to come along to see how it operates with fun and laughter all
the way please contact
John EdwardsTel: 01753 971938