Six Sixty Club works in the same manner as the 500 club but
the shares are now £10.00 each and you can still purchase
multiple shares.
will be three draws a year with a first, second and third prize.
The nine prizes will be decided by the amount in the prize account
prize account will be 50% of the overall income on the starting
date of the year, the other 50% will go to the centre
fund raising venture aims to improve the ambience of the centre
for the benefit and comfort of the members and visitors
Application Form
Standing Order

Further Details contact
Mark Hallam on 07733 201894
House Six Sixty Club
To provide a trust fund to raise monies to maintain and improve
facilities at Western House for the benefit and comfort of all
members who currently use the centre. The monies will be used
for such cases which are not currently budgeted for by the centre
in general.
The club will have a Chairman, Treasurer and a Secretary. Representatives
or Publicity Reps, the number to be determined and what exactly
would be required of them. It is hoped that each Lodge/Chapter
based at the centre would appoint a representative to promote
the aims of the club.
and dates of draws
It is proposed that there be three draws per annum. The first
to take place at the end of September, the second in December
and the third in March. The timing of the first draw would give
a four month window to sell shares for the first and subsequent
years, as shares could still be sold up to a week before the first
draw of the year takes place. The draws would take place publically
in the bar at the centre, and overseen by two independent adjudicators,
one preferably being a member of the Centre Committee.
of shares
There will be no limit on the number of shares which can be issued.
of shares
It is proposed that the cost of each share is to be £10
per annum. There will be no limit on the number of shares held
by any individual. Shares can be purchased by members for their
family and friends as long as they are over the age of 16.
of funds collected
50% of all monies raised by share sales will be placed in the
prize fund. The remaining 50% less expenses such as stationary,
advertising, postage etc, will be placed in a fund to be used
as stated in the aims.
The number and amounts of prizes will be published one week before
the first draw of the year.
of the club
It would be very useful for the club to have a designated area
in the bar to place a well designed laminated poster of A3 size,
or larger, which would promote the club and could be updated with
total prize monies on a regular basis. Application forms for shares
would also be readily available in the bar area.
of shares
Application forms along with cheques to be sent to the Treasurer
or Secretary who would allocate share numbers accordingly. Forms
and cheques or cash could be taken by the bar and an official
receipt for the money would be provided. Forms and money received
at the bar will be collected by designated Trustees and would
have to be signed for accordingly. In future years it is hoped
that shareholders would purchase shares annually by standing order.
and allocation of trust funds
Accounts would be prepared on an annual basis. The allocation
of funds would be decided by the club.
A bank account will be opened and any cheques issued would require
two authorised signatories.
for registration.
The Club is registered with the Local Authority.
A list of club rules should be available for all shareholders
and based simply on the above.